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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package openehr.base#current (63 ms)

Package openehr.base
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R5
Source http://openehr.org/fhir/https://build.fhir.org/ig/FHIR/openehr-base-ig/CodeSystem-participation-mode.html
Url https://specifications.openehr.org/fhir/codesystem-participation_mode
Version 0.1.0
Status active
Date 2024-08-22
Name participation_mode
Title Participation Mode
Experimental False
Realm uv
Authority hl7
Description Participation Mode
Content complete

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https://specifications.openehr.org/fhir/valueset-participation_mode Participation Mode

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Generated Narrative: CodeSystem participation-mode

This case-sensitive code system https://specifications.openehr.org/fhir/codesystem-participation_mode defines the following codes:

193 not specified
216 face-to-face communication
223 interpreted face-to-face communication
217 signing (face-to-face)
195 live audiovisual; videoconference; videophone
198 videoconferencing
197 videophone
218 signing over video
224 interpreted video communication
194 asynchronous audiovisual; recorded video
196 recorded video
202 live audio-only; telephone; internet phone; teleconference
204 telephone
203 teleconference
205 internet telephone
222 interpreted audio-only
199 asynchronous audio-only; dictated; voice mail
200 dictated
201 voice-mail
212 live text-only; internet chat; SMS chat; interactive written note
213 internet chat
214 SMS chat
215 interactive written note
206 asynchronous text; email; fax; letter; handwritten note; SMS message
211 handwritten note
210 printed/typed letter
207 email
208 facsimile/telefax
221 translated text
209 SMS message
219 physically present
220 physically remote

Additional Language Displays

CodeSpanish (es)Japanese (ja)Portuguese (pt)中文 (Chinese, zh)
193no especificado指定なしnão especificado未明确说明
216comunicación cara a cara対面コミュニケーションcomunicação cara-a-cara面对面沟通
223comunicación cara a cara interpretada通訳された対面コミュニケーションcomunicação interpretada cara-a-cara配备口译的面对面沟通
217firma (cara a cara)身振り(対面での)assinatura (cara-a-cara)签名 (面对面)
195audiovisuales en vivo; video conferencia; video llamada生のオーディオビジュアル; ビデオカンファレンス; テレビ電話audiovisual ao vivo; videoconferência; videofone现场视听、视频会议、视频电话
198video conferenciaビデオカンファレンスvideoconferência视频会议
197video llamadaテレビ電話videofone可视电话
218firma sobre videoテレビを通じた身振りassinatura por vídeo视频签名
224comunicación por video interpretada通訳されたビデオコミュニケーションcomunicação interpretada por vídeo配备口译的视频沟通
194audiovisual asíncrona; video grabado非同期のオーディオビジュアル; 録画されたビデオaudiovisual assíncrono; vídeo gravado异步视听、录制的视频
196video grabado録画されたビデオvídeo gravado录制的视频
202sólo audio en vivo; teléfono; teléfono de internet; tele-conferencia生の音声; 電話; インターネット電話; 電話会議apenas áudio em directo; telefone; telefone por internet; teleconferência纯现场音频、电话、互联网电话、电话会议
205teléfono de internetインターネット電話telefone por internet互联网电话
222sólo audio interpretado通訳された音声áudio interpretado配备口译的纯音频
199sólo audio asíncrono; dictado; correo de voz非同期の音声; 口述; ボイスメールáudio assíncrono; ditado; correio de voz异步纯音频、口述、语音邮件
201correo de vozボイスメールcorreio de voz语音邮件
212sólo texto en vivo; charla de texto por internet; charla por SMS; nota escrita interactiva生の文字通信; インターネットチャット SMSチャット; 相互に書き込めるノートapenas texto em directo; chat na Internet; chat por SMS; nota escrita interactiva纯实时文本、互联网聊天、短信聊天、交互式书面笔记
213charla (texto) por internetインターネットチャットchat por internet互联网聊天
214charla por SMSSMSチャットchat por SMS短信聊天
215nota escrita interactiva相互に書き込めるノートnota escrita interactiva交互式书面笔记
206texto asíncrono; correo electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensaje SMS非同期の文字通信; email; fax; 手紙; 手書きのノート; SMSメッセージtexto assíncrono; correio electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensagem SMS异步文本、电子邮件、传真、信件、手写笔记、短信
211nota manuscrita手書きのノートnota manuscrita手写笔记
210carta impresa/escrita印刷された(タイプされた)手紙carta impressa/datilografada打印/打字形成的信件
207correo electrónicoemailemail电子邮件
221texto traducido翻訳された文書texto traduzido经过翻译的文本
209mensajería SMSSMSメッセージmensagem SMS短信
219físicamente presente出席fisicamente presente亲自到场
220físicamente remoto遠隔での参加fisicamente remoto亲自远程


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "participation-mode",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: CodeSystem participation-mode</b></p><a name=\"participation-mode\"> </a><a name=\"hcparticipation-mode\"> </a><a name=\"participation-mode-en-US\"> </a><p>This case-sensitive code system <code>https://specifications.openehr.org/fhir/codesystem-participation_mode</code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">193<a name=\"participation-mode-193\"> </a></td><td>not specified</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">216<a name=\"participation-mode-216\"> </a></td><td>face-to-face communication</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">223<a name=\"participation-mode-223\"> </a></td><td>interpreted face-to-face communication</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">217<a name=\"participation-mode-217\"> </a></td><td>signing (face-to-face)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">195<a name=\"participation-mode-195\"> </a></td><td>live audiovisual; videoconference; videophone</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">198<a name=\"participation-mode-198\"> </a></td><td>videoconferencing</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">197<a name=\"participation-mode-197\"> </a></td><td>videophone</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">218<a name=\"participation-mode-218\"> </a></td><td>signing over video</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">224<a name=\"participation-mode-224\"> </a></td><td>interpreted video communication</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">194<a name=\"participation-mode-194\"> </a></td><td>asynchronous audiovisual; recorded video</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">196<a name=\"participation-mode-196\"> </a></td><td>recorded video</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">202<a name=\"participation-mode-202\"> </a></td><td>live audio-only; telephone; internet phone; teleconference</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">204<a name=\"participation-mode-204\"> </a></td><td>telephone</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">203<a name=\"participation-mode-203\"> </a></td><td>teleconference</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">205<a name=\"participation-mode-205\"> </a></td><td>internet telephone</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">222<a name=\"participation-mode-222\"> </a></td><td>interpreted audio-only</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">199<a name=\"participation-mode-199\"> </a></td><td>asynchronous audio-only; dictated; voice mail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">200<a name=\"participation-mode-200\"> </a></td><td>dictated</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">201<a name=\"participation-mode-201\"> </a></td><td>voice-mail</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">212<a name=\"participation-mode-212\"> </a></td><td>live text-only; internet chat; SMS chat; interactive written note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">213<a name=\"participation-mode-213\"> </a></td><td>internet chat</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">214<a name=\"participation-mode-214\"> </a></td><td>SMS chat</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">215<a name=\"participation-mode-215\"> </a></td><td>interactive written note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">206<a name=\"participation-mode-206\"> </a></td><td>asynchronous text; email; fax; letter; handwritten note; SMS message</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">211<a name=\"participation-mode-211\"> </a></td><td>handwritten note</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">210<a name=\"participation-mode-210\"> </a></td><td>printed/typed letter</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">207<a name=\"participation-mode-207\"> </a></td><td>email</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">208<a name=\"participation-mode-208\"> </a></td><td>facsimile/telefax</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">221<a name=\"participation-mode-221\"> </a></td><td>translated text</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">209<a name=\"participation-mode-209\"> </a></td><td>SMS message</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">219<a name=\"participation-mode-219\"> </a></td><td>physically present</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">220<a name=\"participation-mode-220\"> </a></td><td>physically remote</td></tr></table><p><b>Additional Language Displays</b></p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Spanish (es)</b></td><td><b>Japanese (ja)</b></td><td><b>Portuguese (pt)</b></td><td><b>中文 (Chinese, zh)</b></td></tr><tr><td>193</td><td>no especificado</td><td>指定なし</td><td>não especificado</td><td>未明确说明</td></tr><tr><td>216</td><td>comunicación cara a cara</td><td>対面コミュニケーション</td><td>comunicação cara-a-cara</td><td>面对面沟通</td></tr><tr><td>223</td><td>comunicación cara a cara interpretada</td><td>通訳された対面コミュニケーション</td><td>comunicação interpretada cara-a-cara</td><td>配备口译的面对面沟通</td></tr><tr><td>217</td><td>firma (cara a cara)</td><td>身振り(対面での)</td><td>assinatura (cara-a-cara)</td><td>签名 (面对面)</td></tr><tr><td>195</td><td>audiovisuales en vivo; video conferencia; video llamada</td><td>生のオーディオビジュアル; ビデオカンファレンス; テレビ電話</td><td>audiovisual ao vivo; videoconferência; videofone</td><td>现场视听、视频会议、视频电话</td></tr><tr><td>198</td><td>video conferencia</td><td>ビデオカンファレンス</td><td>videoconferência</td><td>视频会议</td></tr><tr><td>197</td><td>video llamada</td><td>テレビ電話</td><td>videofone</td><td>可视电话</td></tr><tr><td>218</td><td>firma sobre video</td><td>テレビを通じた身振り</td><td>assinatura por vídeo</td><td>视频签名</td></tr><tr><td>224</td><td>comunicación por video interpretada</td><td>通訳されたビデオコミュニケーション</td><td>comunicação interpretada por vídeo</td><td>配备口译的视频沟通</td></tr><tr><td>194</td><td>audiovisual asíncrona; video grabado</td><td>非同期のオーディオビジュアル; 録画されたビデオ</td><td>audiovisual assíncrono; vídeo gravado</td><td>异步视听、录制的视频</td></tr><tr><td>196</td><td>video grabado</td><td>録画されたビデオ</td><td>vídeo gravado</td><td>录制的视频</td></tr><tr><td>202</td><td>sólo audio en vivo; teléfono; teléfono de internet; tele-conferencia</td><td>生の音声; 電話; インターネット電話; 電話会議</td><td>apenas áudio em directo; telefone; telefone por internet; teleconferência</td><td>纯现场音频、电话、互联网电话、电话会议</td></tr><tr><td>204</td><td>teléfono</td><td>電話</td><td>telefone</td><td>电话</td></tr><tr><td>203</td><td>tele-conferencia</td><td>電話会議</td><td>teleconferência</td><td>电话会议</td></tr><tr><td>205</td><td>teléfono de internet</td><td>インターネット電話</td><td>telefone por internet</td><td>互联网电话</td></tr><tr><td>222</td><td>sólo audio interpretado</td><td>通訳された音声</td><td>áudio interpretado</td><td>配备口译的纯音频</td></tr><tr><td>199</td><td>sólo audio asíncrono; dictado; correo de voz</td><td>非同期の音声; 口述; ボイスメール</td><td>áudio assíncrono; ditado; correio de voz</td><td>异步纯音频、口述、语音邮件</td></tr><tr><td>200</td><td>dictado</td><td>口述</td><td>ditado</td><td>口述</td></tr><tr><td>201</td><td>correo de voz</td><td>ボイスメール</td><td>correio de voz</td><td>语音邮件</td></tr><tr><td>212</td><td>sólo texto en vivo; charla de texto por internet; charla por SMS; nota escrita interactiva</td><td>生の文字通信; インターネットチャット SMSチャット; 相互に書き込めるノート</td><td>apenas texto em directo; chat na Internet; chat por SMS; nota escrita interactiva</td><td>纯实时文本、互联网聊天、短信聊天、交互式书面笔记</td></tr><tr><td>213</td><td>charla (texto) por internet</td><td>インターネットチャット</td><td>chat por internet</td><td>互联网聊天</td></tr><tr><td>214</td><td>charla por SMS</td><td>SMSチャット</td><td>chat por SMS</td><td>短信聊天</td></tr><tr><td>215</td><td>nota escrita interactiva</td><td>相互に書き込めるノート</td><td>nota escrita interactiva</td><td>交互式书面笔记</td></tr><tr><td>206</td><td>texto asíncrono; correo electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensaje SMS</td><td>非同期の文字通信; email; fax; 手紙; 手書きのノート; SMSメッセージ</td><td>texto assíncrono; correio electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensagem SMS</td><td>异步文本、电子邮件、传真、信件、手写笔记、短信</td></tr><tr><td>211</td><td>nota manuscrita</td><td>手書きのノート</td><td>nota manuscrita</td><td>手写笔记</td></tr><tr><td>210</td><td>carta impresa/escrita</td><td>印刷された(タイプされた)手紙</td><td>carta impressa/datilografada</td><td>打印/打字形成的信件</td></tr><tr><td>207</td><td>correo electrónico</td><td>email</td><td>email</td><td>电子邮件</td></tr><tr><td>208</td><td>facsímil/telefax</td><td>FAX/telefax</td><td>fax/telefax</td><td>传真/电传</td></tr><tr><td>221</td><td>texto traducido</td><td>翻訳された文書</td><td>texto traduzido</td><td>经过翻译的文本</td></tr><tr><td>209</td><td>mensajería SMS</td><td>SMSメッセージ</td><td>mensagem SMS</td><td>短信</td></tr><tr><td>219</td><td>físicamente presente</td><td>出席</td><td>fisicamente presente</td><td>亲自到场</td></tr><tr><td>220</td><td>físicamente remoto</td><td>遠隔での参加</td><td>fisicamente remoto</td><td>亲自远程</td></tr></table></div>"
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg",
      "valueCode" : "fhir"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm",
      "valueInteger" : 3,
      "_valueInteger" : {
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-conformance-derivedFrom",
            "valueCanonical" : "http://openehr.org/fhir/ImplementationGuide/openehr.base"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status",
      "valueCode" : "informative",
      "_valueCode" : {
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-conformance-derivedFrom",
            "valueCanonical" : "http://openehr.org/fhir/ImplementationGuide/openehr.base"
  "url" : "https://specifications.openehr.org/fhir/codesystem-participation_mode",
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "name" : "participation_mode",
  "title" : "Participation Mode",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2024-08-22",
  "publisher" : "openEHR + HL7",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "http://www.openehr.org"
  "description" : "Participation Mode",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm",
          "code" : "001"
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "content" : "complete",
  "count" : 32,
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "193",
      "display" : "not specified",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "no especificado"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "指定なし"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "não especificado"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "未明确说明"
      "code" : "216",
      "display" : "face-to-face communication",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "comunicación cara a cara"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "対面コミュニケーション"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "comunicação cara-a-cara"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "面对面沟通"
      "code" : "223",
      "display" : "interpreted face-to-face communication",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "comunicación cara a cara interpretada"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "通訳された対面コミュニケーション"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "comunicação interpretada cara-a-cara"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "配备口译的面对面沟通"
      "code" : "217",
      "display" : "signing (face-to-face)",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "firma (cara a cara)"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "身振り(対面での)"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "assinatura (cara-a-cara)"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "签名 (面对面)"
      "code" : "195",
      "display" : "live audiovisual; videoconference; videophone",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "audiovisuales en vivo; video conferencia; video llamada"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "生のオーディオビジュアル; ビデオカンファレンス; テレビ電話"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "audiovisual ao vivo; videoconferência; videofone"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "现场视听、视频会议、视频电话"
      "code" : "198",
      "display" : "videoconferencing",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "video conferencia"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "ビデオカンファレンス"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "videoconferência"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "视频会议"
      "code" : "197",
      "display" : "videophone",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "video llamada"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "テレビ電話"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "videofone"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "可视电话"
      "code" : "218",
      "display" : "signing over video",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "firma sobre video"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "テレビを通じた身振り"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "assinatura por vídeo"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "视频签名"
      "code" : "224",
      "display" : "interpreted video communication",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "comunicación por video interpretada"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "通訳されたビデオコミュニケーション"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "comunicação interpretada por vídeo"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "配备口译的视频沟通"
      "code" : "194",
      "display" : "asynchronous audiovisual; recorded video",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "audiovisual asíncrona; video grabado"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "非同期のオーディオビジュアル; 録画されたビデオ"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "audiovisual assíncrono; vídeo gravado"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "异步视听、录制的视频"
      "code" : "196",
      "display" : "recorded video",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "video grabado"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "録画されたビデオ"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "vídeo gravado"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "录制的视频"
      "code" : "202",
      "display" : "live audio-only; telephone; internet phone; teleconference",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "sólo audio en vivo; teléfono; teléfono de internet; tele-conferencia"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "生の音声; 電話; インターネット電話; 電話会議"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "apenas áudio em directo; telefone; telefone por internet; teleconferência"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "纯现场音频、电话、互联网电话、电话会议"
      "code" : "204",
      "display" : "telephone",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "teléfono"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "電話"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "telefone"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "电话"
      "code" : "203",
      "display" : "teleconference",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "tele-conferencia"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "電話会議"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "teleconferência"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "电话会议"
      "code" : "205",
      "display" : "internet telephone",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "teléfono de internet"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "インターネット電話"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "telefone por internet"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "互联网电话"
      "code" : "222",
      "display" : "interpreted audio-only",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "sólo audio interpretado"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "通訳された音声"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "áudio interpretado"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "配备口译的纯音频"
      "code" : "199",
      "display" : "asynchronous audio-only; dictated; voice mail",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "sólo audio asíncrono; dictado; correo de voz"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "非同期の音声; 口述; ボイスメール"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "áudio assíncrono; ditado; correio de voz"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "异步纯音频、口述、语音邮件"
      "code" : "200",
      "display" : "dictated",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "dictado"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "口述"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "ditado"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "口述"
      "code" : "201",
      "display" : "voice-mail",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "correo de voz"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "ボイスメール"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "correio de voz"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "语音邮件"
      "code" : "212",
      "display" : "live text-only; internet chat; SMS chat; interactive written note",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "sólo texto en vivo; charla de texto por internet; charla por SMS; nota escrita interactiva"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "生の文字通信; インターネットチャット SMSチャット; 相互に書き込めるノート"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "apenas texto em directo; chat na Internet; chat por SMS; nota escrita interactiva"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "纯实时文本、互联网聊天、短信聊天、交互式书面笔记"
      "code" : "213",
      "display" : "internet chat",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "charla (texto) por internet"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "インターネットチャット"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "chat por internet"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "互联网聊天"
      "code" : "214",
      "display" : "SMS chat",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "charla por SMS"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "SMSチャット"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "chat por SMS"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "短信聊天"
      "code" : "215",
      "display" : "interactive written note",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "nota escrita interactiva"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "相互に書き込めるノート"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "nota escrita interactiva"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "交互式书面笔记"
      "code" : "206",
      "display" : "asynchronous text; email; fax; letter; handwritten note; SMS message",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "texto asíncrono; correo electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensaje SMS"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "非同期の文字通信; email; fax; 手紙; 手書きのノート; SMSメッセージ"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "texto assíncrono; correio electrónico; fax; carta; nota manuscrita; mensagem SMS"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "异步文本、电子邮件、传真、信件、手写笔记、短信"
      "code" : "211",
      "display" : "handwritten note",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "nota manuscrita"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "手書きのノート"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "nota manuscrita"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "手写笔记"
      "code" : "210",
      "display" : "printed/typed letter",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "carta impresa/escrita"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "印刷された(タイプされた)手紙"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "carta impressa/datilografada"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "打印/打字形成的信件"
      "code" : "207",
      "display" : "email",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "correo electrónico"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "email"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "email"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "电子邮件"
      "code" : "208",
      "display" : "facsimile/telefax",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "facsímil/telefax"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "FAX/telefax"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "fax/telefax"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "传真/电传"
      "code" : "221",
      "display" : "translated text",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "texto traducido"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "翻訳された文書"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "texto traduzido"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "经过翻译的文本"
      "code" : "209",
      "display" : "SMS message",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "mensajería SMS"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "SMSメッセージ"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "mensagem SMS"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "短信"
      "code" : "219",
      "display" : "physically present",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "físicamente presente"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "出席"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "fisicamente presente"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "亲自到场"
      "code" : "220",
      "display" : "physically remote",
      "designation" : [
          "language" : "es",
          "value" : "físicamente remoto"
          "language" : "ja",
          "value" : "遠隔での参加"
          "language" : "pt",
          "value" : "fisicamente remoto"
          "language" : "zh",
          "value" : "亲自远程"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.